Having a dishwasher in your kitchen is a blessing since not everyone has the luxury of purchasing them. Although dishwashers are specifically designed to wash and dry the dishes, sometimes, they can run into problems that need immediate fixing. One of the most common issues is a whitish film on the dishes. Several reasons could cause this and you need to be aware of them to prevent future issues. So, if your dishwasher is facing the white residue problem, here are the common reasons. In some cases, you need to deep clean the dishwasher as well. You may require the help of an appliance repair expert for this.

Salt Or Limescale Build-Up

The first and the most popular reason your dishwasher is leaving white residue on the dishes is due to salt or limescale buildup. The issue with both factors is that you can avoid them but not completely. Sooner or later, you will come across such an issue but what is more important is that you know how to fix it.

Most people tend to assume that salt and limescale both are the same considering their color and texture. But the difference is that if you run your fingers through salt, it will wipe off but not in the case of limescale as it is relatively more stubborn. This means that you will need to use vinegar to remove the limescale.

If the problem comes out to be salt, this means that you might be adding too much dishwasher salt to the salt compartment of the unit. Make sure that you read the manufacturer’s instructions carefully to ensure you use the appropriate quantity.

Furthermore, if you have restricted the amount of salt used and the problem still occurs, it means there is most likely a problem with the machine. In this case, you will need to consult an expert who can properly inspect the machine and diagnose the problem.

And, if the issue comes out to be limescale, you can add a cup of vinegar into the machine before every load which will eliminate the effects of hard water on the dishes.

Mineral Accumulation

Mineral accumulation is also caused by hard water. If you did not know, water is mainly categorized into two types i.e. hard and soft water. Hard water has excess minerals compared to soft water resulting in a film on the dishes. Not only are the minerals left on the dishes but also the inside of the machine.

If left ignored, the accumulation will reach a point where it will become solid and you will need to put in a lot of effort and time to remove it. You should avoid this whether you own a residential or a commercial dishwasher. The best way to properly clean your dishwasher is by running the machine without any cycle and adding two cups of vinegar.

At the same time, you should take a close look inside the machine to make sure there is no residue buildup. If there is, you can simply use a soft brush and a cloth to remove or wipe the residue.

Water Isn’t Hot Enough

Dishwashers are smart machines that perform under a certain temperature to ensure the dishes are squeaky clean. When it comes to washing the dishes, you should always use warm water instead of cold. The same is the case with dishwashers. These machines heat water during the wash cycles to help break down the food particles.

If the water happens to be cold, the soap will not dissolve and most likely leave a white residue on the dishes. The issue in this case might be coming from the actual machine or boiler. If you check and find out that no other appliance is experiencing the same issue, then your dishwasher is most likely to be the culprit.

Another reason can be an excess use of the detergent. When it happens, the dishwasher can’t dissolve this huge amount of detergent. So, you should follow the directions/instructions to ensure you utilize the right techniques of putting the detergent and the right amount. Moreover, use the detergent suggested by the manufacturer.

This problem is common in washing machines as well. So, before calling a washer repair Springfield technician, check the detergent and the amount of it you’re putting in the washer.

The Detergent Hasn’t Dissolved Properly

Some people tend to be over smart when it comes to using dishwashing detergents or soaps to wash the dishes. These detergents and soaps can give the machine a really tough time to dissolve, leaving a chalky film all over the dishes. There is also a chance, it could cause permanent damage to your dishwasher.

If you try to gently scratch out the residue on the dishes with your fingernail and it doesn’t come off, then it’s not a white residue, it’s what is called etching. Etching means the scratches on the dish’s glass. This is mainly caused due to undissolved soap bits.

You can try switching to liquid detergent to help yourself with the issue but etching cannot be undone. Unfortunately, if a certain brand doesn’t suit the dishes, you will need to try something else.

You May Have To Rinse The Dishes Before Putting Them In The Dishwasher

One thing you need to keep in mind while using a dishwasher to clean your dishes is that you should rinse the dishes before placing them inside the machine. It is most commonly believed that dishwashers can clean and remove the most stubborn grease and oil stains and particles.

While it may be true to some extent, but that is not the case each time. This makes it a common dishwashing mistake. If there are any leftovers such as bones, they might end up inside the dishwasher and cause blockage or damage. Moreover, you should also be careful while rinsing dishes as it could cause etching

The reason is that some soaps contain a high amount of alkaline salt. You should carefully go through the ingredients mentioned at the back of the product and also clear the compartment that traps bigger chunks of food.

How To Maintain A Dishwasher?

Maintenance is key to ensuring your dishwasher runs smoothly without any issues. You would be surprised to hear the number of problems it can solve just by having an expert go through and clean the machine. This just does not only go for the dishwasher but also other kitchen appliances.

Because dishwashers are expensive machines, you must invest in them. Dishwashers tend to last several years if maintained properly. Otherwise, it could lead to expensive repairs and replacements that will make your investment go down the drain.

Expert maintenance will not only thoroughly clean the machine but also identify potential problems that need fixing. This way, you get to avoid complications that leave you clueless down the road.


The white residue issue is not threatening as long as you can fix it on time. The tips mentioned above will ensure your dishwasher avoids all such troubles and runs effortlessly each time. On top of that, having a dishwasher repair Alexandria expert look after the appliance and developing a maintenance schedule will do wonders in terms of protecting and prolonging the machine’s lifespan.